The HEINEKEN Company | Brewing a Better World


The HEINEKEN Company | Brewing a Better World


We are very proud to have contributed to the creative development and production of the launch for The HEINEKEN Company's 2030 Brew a Better World ambitions. ⁣

We want to be equally great at making a positive impact in a world that is facing huge challenges.

This coming decade is crucial for our planet and society, which is why we are happy that The HEINEKEN Company takes their environment, social sustainability and responsible consumption on a path to a net zero, fairer and healthier world seriously.

Working closely with HEINEKEN'S sustainability department and executive board, we were able to translate their ambitious strategy into high standard communication that excites internal and external stakeholders, encouraging them to join in the mission and create a positive impact. ⁣

At HEINEKEN we know that while ambitions inspire us, it’s our actions that define us. We are brewers and doers.

The HEINEKEN Company pledges carbon neutrality, equal pay for equal work, gender balance amongst leaders, reaching a billion consumers each year with responsible consumption messages and zero-alcohol options always, everywhere. A pledge we can get behind any day of the week. ⁣

Let’s roll up our sleeves and get to work

Check out the full video below.