Pride Never Ends | Massive Music


MassiveMusic's Pride Event

Pioneering queer narratives

Our founder, Mitchell, was honoured to participate in the panel next to Ane and Thomas and engage in meaningful discussions about incorporating more queer stories into our creative work.

Amsterdam came alive in a splash of colours and emotions as Mitchell, our dynamic Executive Producer, took the stage at MassiveMusic's 'Pride Never Ends' event. Held in the iconic A'DAM Toren, this event was a beacon, emphasizing the need for authentic LGBTQ+ representation in the creative industry.

With a unique story to tell, being raised by two mothers and carving out a niche in the industry with his award-winning work, Mitchell's voice echoed the sentiments of many. He emphasizes: "Dive into the LGBTQ+ universe with open ears and hearts. Make them co-pilots on your creative journey."

One of the standout moments was the reflection on our work with Bugaboo's film – highlighting the nuances of growing up in a queer family. But it wasn't just about reflecting on past successes; the evening was charged with the hope for a brighter, more inclusive future. Mitchell's words resonated deeply: "If you don't fit in the company you work for, build one that looks like you and aligns with your values."

The night wasn't just about speeches. It was about connection, understanding, and the promise of creating more inclusive spaces. As the evening danced away to the tunes of DJ Coco, the audience was left with a potent reminder: The fight for representation is not a month-long affair but a continuous journey. As Cece Wyldeck aptly concluded, "Pride Never Ends."

We are Duffree proud to have been an integral part of this narrative, producing the after-movie that captures the essence of this pivotal event. Watch the story of Ane and Tomas, the emotions, and the promise of a brighter future on Massive’s website.

Mitchell R. Duffree