Engineering change through the power of narratives | Perspectives with Krizna Gomez


Perspectives with Krizna Gomez

Independent Impact Strategist &

Foresight Practitioner

Krizna is an exceptional Impact Strategist and Narratives Expert working internationally within the fields of human rights and social justice. Exposed daily to harrowing stories of inequality, suffering and global conflict, she uses the power of narratives to engineer change and instil a sense of hope in anyone who crosses her path.

Narrative work for me entails not being afraid of your emotions and the emotions of the people you’re trying to reach. It’s about the sense of the possible.
— Krizna Gomez

Fuelled by a drive to help those in need and contribute to society in a meaningful way, Krizna began her career as a human rights lawyer, first in her home country of the Philippines and then in the United States. However, after a while of working in the legal system, she started questioning the real value of her impact, drawn instead to the world of strategy, consulting and tangible action. 

As Director of Programmes and Lead Facilitator at JustLabs, she helped create strategies and solutions to social problems, advising and managing a community of diverse activists who were driven to take action, but didn’t quite know where to start.

Our job is to provide the space for people to find their voice and exercise that voice. We give people a sense that no matter how bad things are now, they can get better. There are concrete actions they can take. So with that, people feel a sense of empowerment
— Krizna Gomez

Currently, Krizna continues to be a vessel for innovative change-making, working with various NGOs, organisers and social change actors, and pushing for greater impact in their work through the use of narratives and smart communications

Krizna’s wisdom and forward-thinking ideas are adorned by her infectious spirit, inspiring us even further to take action and make the world a better place.

Stories should be based on hope. The stories you put out there as a storyteller, that’s the kind of society you build.
— Krizna Gomez

Tune in to the episode below and lose yourself in Krizna’s greatest, most inspiring narrative yet. 

Her own. 

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