How to become a role model: challenging narratives through action | Perspectives with Lucy von Sturmer


Perspectives with Lucy von Sturmer | Founder of The Humblebrag and Initiator Creatives for Climate

I believe that you can challenge narratives through action, and I think role modeling is really important
— Lucy von Sturmer

In this week’s episode, we had the chance to welcome social and digital native, thought leader, and activist Lucy von Sturmer to the We are Duffree planet. Lucy is one of our role models, as Founder of impact-driven agency, The Humblebrag, and Initiator of Creatives for Climate. Her work often places her at the helm of panel discussions or podcasts, moderating and amplifying important conversations that encourage us to make a positive difference in the world. Today, we share her story.

Lucy boasts a 10 year career working across media, NGOs, and the creative industries, for companies such as The ZDHC Foundation, Media Monks, and Hivos (Making All Voices Count.) We learn that the common thread running through her personal and professional life is a dedication to purpose. Since launching her own entrepreneurial voyage, The Humblebrag, she has been able to prioritise purpose, putting impact-driven work and like-minded clients on a pedestal.

I think that it’s incredibly important to walk the talk… All the clients we work with, I would stand behind 100%.
— Lucy von Sturmer

Lucy felt like there was often a chasm between the fulfilling and crucial work NGOs did and the innovative and digital boundary-breaking work of communications companies. The Humblebrag is her opportunity to ‘really bring those pieces of the puzzle together. 

Not afraid to shake up the status quo, she doesn’t shy away from the uncomfortable conversations that are often a necessary stepping stone towards progress. Her best advice on how to make an impact?

Focus on what’s important and stay connected to the change you want to see. …And especially as a woman, I would say, be prepared to not always be liked by everybody for speaking out, but don’t worry about pleasing everybody along the way.
— Lucy von Sturmer

Lucey cuts a formidable figure in the impact-driven space, steering companies and individuals alike to just do better - but her incandescent personality, masterful conversation, and impressive strides in the impact-driven space make it difficult to imagine she has ever been met with resistance. We discuss the fruits of her labour with The Humblebrag and Creatives for Climate, and what came before them.

If you want to be a change-maker you have to be willing to get uncomfortable; and that’s a feeling a lot of people shy away from. It takes courage.
— Lucy von Sturmer

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