Purpose-driven filmmaking that inspires while reducing impact | Perspectives with Andrea Walji (WaterBear Network)


Perspectives with Andrea Walji

Head of Content & Productions at WaterBear

Andrea Walji is the Head of Content and Production at WaterBear, a streaming service that aims to marry purpose-driven storytelling with tangible actions towards protecting our planet. As such, it comes as no surprise that Andrea has a fiery passion for conservation that infuses the content she produces, along with an infectious appetite for positive change. Andrea began her career as a photographer’s agent in London, learning production tricks of the trade on shoots for luxury editorial brands. Experience shooting campaigns for the likes of Apple, Vogue, IKEA, Dior and more gave her the tools to become the filmmaker she is today, but it is her upbringing on the side of a mountain in North Vancouver that she pinpoints as the origin of her passion: 

I think that kind of upbringing being in nature all the time, cooking on a camp stove with my parents, has now come back into my life at this stage where I crave that nature. And I want to protect that nature.
— Andrea Walji

It’s clear that a childhood spent with black bears, grizzly bears, coyotes, skunks, deers, and raccoons traipsing through her backyard has left a stark impression on Andrea, who is now wholly dedicated to safeguarding the nature she grew up in harmony with, conserving it for posterity. With a growing sense of duty to tell stories that make an impact, Andrea turned to produce films that put the environment as the main protagonist.

There are so many ways as producers and filmmakers we can reduce our impact and still make really inspirational and compelling films to watch.
— Andrea Walji

She is now balancing environmental responsibility with her calling as a storyteller, ensuring her productions are as sustainable as possible. Her long-standing passion project, Not A Pet testifies that great films can indeed be made without taking a huge toll on the planet, as the series is the lowest carbon production she has ever made:

It’s important for filmmakers to be walking the walk and talking the talk.
— Andrea Walji

We take her adage at face value - this is one producer who is serious about the impact she has on the world. Our conversation discusses the steps individuals and production companies can take to ensure they leave the planet a better place, and all importantly, how the world of storytelling can intersect with action - something WaterBear champions above all other streaming services.

We always pull in calls to action. Sometimes they’re small, sometimes they’re big, but it’s tangible acts that our viewership and us at WaterBear can all take in order to take steps towards making the change. And it all starts with one person.
— Andrea Walji

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